Tuesday, February 14, 2006

ok. i have more to say.

this is my last week at my current job. a job at a place i love and admire, but the clients of which often drive me to the brink of utter insanity.

the LjC has miraculously not made another appearance since the count began. so here's hoping with the new log i am creating special for this my last week that the same circumstances will come into play.

the g log. at the risk again of marking myself a bad person, i will not elaborate on the initials. i am sure you can put it together. the ones who say "how you doing?" and don't wait for you to respond before they tell you what they want. the ones who balk at the suggestion that they might have read their contract before they signed it and don't know the difference between theatre and cinema and who put l's and prepositions in the midst of words/sentences that they don't truly exist in...

today - two hours in - my count is 4.

and by g i do not mean nikki.

whom i love.

happy early birthday to her.

hopes she's enjoying her comics.


At 10:47 AM, Blogger caseymichael said...

Comics. Rule.

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

i am. so is everyone else -- i've shown it to people (in my, or surrounding, labs,) and say "look at what i got as an early bday gift! isn't it funny!" and folks just get *lost* in it it's so good/so true!

or, on some levels, so sad but true. sigh!


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