Saturday, January 28, 2006

stupid racists are funny.

now, here i venture into a world of political incorrectness, so if easily offended you may wish to turn your eyes. but if stupid racists are stupid racists no matter what to you, then you may also enjoy my antidote.

i'll try to keep it short and sweet.

the night my now sister-in-law first arrived in atlanta for the wedding, we decided to head to the neighborhood pizza joint for dinner. we would go it on foot as the mojo is but three-quarters of a mile from our door and well, i drive a pickup, and believe it or not, passengers in the back of a pickup are illegal even in GA.

now, my readers may remember that my now husband and now sister are russians. slavic peoples, if you will. so when a group of neighborhood adolescents saw fit to yell "crackers!" at us, i simply could not contain my sudden onset of giggles.

i am sure those poor girls thought i was just some damn holier-than-thou white bitch laughing in their face to hide my fear like most true holier-than-thou white bitches would, but it was all i could do.

trying to explain to those poor children that they just called a couple of slavs a racial slur for stupid american caucasions just didn't seem conducive... but after all, all people with pale skin are honkies just like all East Asians are chinese even if they are from Laos and all middle easterners are all Pakistanis even if they are form India.

wow. there are dumb people in this country. if i don't laugh about it, the grief might kill me.


At 10:09 AM, Blogger trixievw said...

that was kinda my point... the stupid bigots in this country just blindly call/assume people one ethnicity because of their skin tone and half the time they aren't even near the mark on that one... it reminds me of when i was little and some fool told me that "people with slanted eyes speak spanish."

and yep, that came from a grown up.

thank god not one i was related to.

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Charlene said...

Only two states in the Union can you ride in the bed of a truck-- one of 'em's Iowa. Score!!!!

At 5:54 PM, Blogger rp said...

um, black people can't be racist.


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