Wednesday, October 19, 2005

simply my own humble moviegoer/festival-goer opinion, but it's been a really good year for film.

last night d and i caught thumbsucker. one of those largely uncomfortable films where you have to keep reminding yourself not to panic, the characters up there fucking up are just fictional characters, but concluding with beautiful redemption - for both the film and its subjects.

pure brilliance in celluloid form.

scenes like eye candy, vivid and striking. performances inspired all-around - and when i call a keanu reeves performance inspired, you know i mean business. a score and soundtrack that fit seamlessly... (go polyphonic spree!) i have never heard elliott used more elegantly.

if you like movies that don't make you think, don't bother. if you enjoy films that put a little realistic faith back in humanity, definitely do.


At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, only spice girls movies for me!


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