Monday, October 17, 2005

ok, so conformity is not necessarily something i generally endorse. yet there are some things that just seem to make sense... or not, rather.

for a society so obsessed with its vehicles - particularly with them moving about speedily and encountering as few obstacles as possible along the way, hence we have laned roads and (at least where i reside) you keep to your right so those going opposite you have your left all to themselves - why can we not seem to transfer that same clear logic to footpaths?

why can people not seem to gather that if they are traveling along a walkway/staircase/ramp/etc with two-way foot traffic, that rather than do so side-by-side with their companions/friends/acquaintances thus blocking the way for those approaching from the other direction, that it's more efficient and just-damn courteous to keep to one side and let others get where they're going too.

furthermore, you'd never simply stop your car in the middle of the interstate. you'd pull off to the shoulder. what then, makes it sensible to stop dead in the midst of a busy mall corridor or street sidewalk or even (or specifically perhaps) stairway to the northbound train platform to answer your cell or ask your pal if they wanna get coffee first? should you need to get your bearings, may i suggest simply standing over to the side... it's quite easy, really...

(i was at the airport last night... can you tell?)

finally, on a semi-related note... prior to my first visit to the uk, i was given this advice by someone close to me: WALK TO THE LEFT, STAND TO THE RIGHT.

it would appear this rule has managed to migrate west, in theory at least. now i think is the time for it do so in practice. perhaps, like in london, we could put up signs on escalators to gently guide the public toward this revolutionary idea in courtesy. and it would provide a small jumpstart.

yet, as i know all too well, you can put beacons and strobes around a sign that says "this performance is sold out" and people will still approach the box office window to ask, "got any tickets for the show?"

these are the same people that answer their cell phones when live theatre is going on 20 feet in front of them and ask what time the movie is when they call to buy those seats.

i think what the world could use is a brute force of polite police. who's with me?


At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is a new book written by the author of eats shoots & leaves (i think) on this very subject. i suggest buying a copy and then hitting people on the head with it.

At 12:46 AM, Blogger Douglas Swehla said...

Polite Police will probably never get funded, but you could try Urban Asshole Notification Cards

Back of the card reads:

Congrats, You’re An Asshole

Assholes rarely know why they are the way they are, so here’s a clue for you on your journey of self-improvement:

* Not giving up seat on public transportation when someone obviously needs it more than you
* Walking three abreast on city sidewalks
* Smoking in non-smoking areas
* Wearing too much perfume or cologne
* Stopping to chat or look around in front of doorway, elevator or escalator
* Talking loudly on cell phone
* Plus a blank entry for you to write in

The list is actually a lot longer than that. Check'em out.


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