Wednesday, October 26, 2005

stepping out the door this morning, confronted immediately by the new crisp morning air, i felt a pang in my heart. a momentary lapse of reasoning caused me to mistake my surroundings - forget where i was.

i miss scotland this morning.

and not even the pulsing, vibrant scotland in edinburgh. this morning i miss stretches of solid mountain peaks laden with heather or snow scotland. i miss miles of loch scotland. i missnot a car in sight for hour-stretches of barely-two-lane road scotland. i miss standing on spot where blood was spilled in the first fight to keep scotland its own nation scotland.

i miss cheap pints of slightly warm guinness scotland where you can drop by a little shed to get fish, chips and mushy peas for 2 pound. i miss don't dare remove that scarf and gloves for fear of numbness scotland. i miss castle castle castle castle castle hairy coo castle scotland.

i miss hearing the proclaimers played daily in earnest.

i miss being as far away from my atlanta existence as possible while still being surrounded by warm people who speak your words and biting air eased in any wool shop for 4 bob... and pure natural beauty.

sorry to be so cheesy, but that's where my head (and my heart) lies this morning.

and in case i haven't explained "hairy coo..."


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