Thursday, August 25, 2005

woke with my third migraine of the week this morning, so i called in and attempted to sleep it off with four extra hours and some high-potency ibuprofen... to no avail, as i awoke with the sensation that the right side of my head had been kicked in with the steel-toed boot of a football hoodlum.

for the record i root for liverpool.

thus, i was forced to break out the excedrin migraine and lay back down with some daytime tv.

i hate daytime tv. i do not have cable. if you have ever been forced to endure this - say if you threw your back out and were futon-ridden for three weeks, which my sound incredibly familiar to certain hussies reading this - you need not ask why.

if you are fortunate enough not to have had to do this, let us just say this:
the world does not need another:
baby food brand, medical assistant program from a "business college", domestic cleaning invention, internet degree program, soap opera actress, or daytime talk show host.

except charlie rose. thank god for charlie rose. my sick-day television savior.

i was fortunate enough to stumble upon a rerun of charlie's interview with my favorite actress ever (jessica lange) this morning... and i was reminded of why that man has been on the air for so long. he's a brilliant interviewer. enough praise without being a brown-noser. enough digging without prying. and he's fun. and his intrviews look like they're having fun.

i learned so much in the 15 minutes i caught of this episode about mrs. sam shepherd, and it only made me love her more.

i should elaborate more here, but truly i couldn't do it justice.

so instead i will encourage you to tune in to some good ole public television and look out for the charlie rose show. if you can catch the interview with jessica lange or even the one with christopher guest or peter jackson, you'll see exactly what i mean.

again i say, i love you charlie rose.


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