Sunday, July 10, 2005

a few thoughts that it has occurred to me should be deposited here...

as a kid the tests of the Emergency Broadcast System that interrupted my "Eight is Enough" viewings used to freak me the fuck out. and in years and years i never once experienced an actual Emergency Broadcast. only tests. until this past Thursday night.

heading home in dark and rain and listening more than appropriately to the WRAS's goth radio hour, that ever-familiar piercing noise penetrated some pail princess's wailings... and for added creepiness the warning that follows is delivered by one of those paranoid android computer-generated voices. my skin crawled. i felt as if i were inside a nightmare.

and then the moment passed.

another thought...

a russian and i visited washington, dc last weekend. i saw both my beloveds currently residing in the area and missed the one visiting, though i fought the urge to call her just to say the phrase, "girl you done scared the shit outta me."

our visit was primarily, however, so that a) one of us could take care of some business at the russian embassy (damn i love saying that) and b) i could meet the best friend.

none of this is all that intriguing i know, but now i can get to my point.

as our trip approached i was of course asked by friends, acquaintances, coworkers of the nature of our visit... and i was surprised at the number of times i was asked how i felt about meeting my boyfriend's best friend who's a girl....

am i supposed to feel weird about this?

my response, after the shock - i don't know if shock is accurate - was just that. am i supposed to be jealous?

when i learned early on that his best friend was a female, i felt first and foremost sheer relief. if a man has a girl for a best friend, one of two things is usually true. he a) gets women really well or b) is gay. or i guess both could be true. but having slept with him, i sure as hell knew he ain't gay. so there you go. i guess there is also that odd occurrence where he's hanging around because he loves her, but that one for me has always been too easy to spot. so, knowing this made me feel like a lucky woman.

and i am.

the trip was great. she is great. we are great.

there are some silly women in this world that need to learn to appreciate these things.

and finally...

i have reached a point at work where i swear i punch credit card numbers in my sleep. it's a real good thing i am an honest person.

oh and...

i know though it may not seem innate to most reading this, but a lot of people called me Thursday to see if i had heard about the tube bombings. i am devastated, naturally, but inspired by the way the city is handling it.

and props to my london-bound nik for not even letting it occur to her to reconsider her decision.


At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hear you got to meet my new friend.


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