Monday, June 27, 2005

my 10 year high school reunion... my graduating class was a mere 80
people in 1995. reunited we were maybe 25 or 30. plus spouses.

i made ilya go.

i was asked if he was german.

a couple of times.

i was asked when i was gonna pop out a baby. i said when i am mature enough to support myself.

if i thought then that the people surrounding me didn't quite get me, well... a decade apart has certainly not made that any different. but i should also say that that road goes both ways... i don't quite understand either.

the biggest thing i noticed was something that ilya pointed out. he kept asking, "are these people all our age?"

"yeah - of course..."

"they all look so much older than you."

and maybe he was right. he was spot on that everyone had aged more than i had anticipated... but i wasn't altogether sure that i wasn't right there with them and just hadn't noticed my slow progression over the years.

then looking back during the replay of our slideshow, i realized that maybe he was right. i am a little smaller with a lot less hair (by choice), but overall look like heidi.

if that's what having children does, i might have to do some re-evaluation.

all in all i was a little disappointed. the people i truly would have been happy to see were not there. and amongst those that were there was nothing unexpected or shocking or dramatic. it really just kind of made me sad.

i secretly hoped that everything i say when poking fun of d-ville would be proven an extreme exaggeration. sadly, i must report that a majority of my jabs are based in fact.

alas. i see no need to attend the next one. hopefully i will be in toronto by then anyway...


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