Sunday, September 11, 2005

as far as the gas panic in atlanta is concerned, a word of warning:

if you live AND work within reasonable walking distance of a train station - say a mile or so approximately - know that you will get no sympathy from me in our current situation. sometimes driving is simply unnecessary. and marta really is pretty decent public transportation if you can rely solely on trains.

on a separate note:

i have recently begun reading Nickel and Dimed. it still never ceases to amaze me that, as this book is in large part about the lower middle class - or more appropriately working poor - that my parents belonged to for most of my childhood and only in recent years managed to escape, what a damn fine job they did holding it together and raising me all the while. AND they're still together and going strong. it's not that they didn't want more than one kid, it just never happened that way... guess fate was looking out for them. and i guess that's part of why, though i still have my related complexes, i am for the most part not the stereotypical self-centered spoiled only child.
if i had a drink, i'd toast them right now.


At 7:02 PM, Blogger Nicole said...

me too. cheers!


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