Sunday, November 27, 2005

here's what i want: daniel ash and paul hewson (sp?) to be in the same room together so i know for certain once and for all that they are not split personalities of the same person... am i the only one who thinks they look separated at birth?

here's what i am not feeling in light of my impending nuptials: relief that i won't grow old alone, the tick of my biological clock, that my life will now be validated

and here are a few things i am feeling: excited, overwhelmed, incredibly loved - by not my fiance alone

here's what bewilders me: someone - and if you are reading this blog, be assured i do not refer to you - it has come to my attention has set into panic over my getting married before them because i am younger. it ain't a race, ladies. did i mention that marriage is not necessary to validate one's life?

here's why i decided i should get married: because i want to. plain, simple. i can't think of anything better than spending the rest of my/ilya's natural days in his company and warmth - and getting a tax break to boot!

here's where i would rather be than at work tomorrow: starts with a scot, ends with land.

here's where i would rather be at work than: or-lan-do

here's an album i forgot how much i loved until i heard the artist in a south georgia mcdonald's yesterday: resigned by michael penn. a fine composition indeed.

here's what i think peter murphy is looking like these days: a child conceived by anton levy and my friend havens... if you can even conceive of such an idea


At 11:39 PM, Blogger rp said...

Funny, back when I was at the COS, I conceived a child with the good Reverend. I always wondered what happened to that child...until now.


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